The Brick Dad - Reviews, News, MOCs, and More!

City Advent Calendar Day 24

We've made it to the final day! Today's gift is none other than Santa himself! Santa arrives sporting his signature red coat and hat. His torso is printed front and back, complete with his signature belt and the white fluffy trim at the bottom. On the backside of his torso we continue to see his belt and the trim, but also a candy cane tucked into his belt. He also comes carrying a bag of gifts, or maybe coal. It just ... Read more

City Advent Calendar Days 22 & 23

I knew yesterday would be busy! As I mentioned, I was out serving with the Salvation Army once again, this time helping support the Dallas Cowboys as they gave out meals to those in need. It was a great event, and I was very thankful being part of something to bless all of these families in need. That did mess up my plans to get this article out. Maybe next year I just open them all and auto-post? Who knows! Day 22 ... Read more

City Advent Calendar Day 21

Day 21 has arrived! We're into the weekend before Christmas, which means crazy busy stores and roads, and it also means we're getting closer to the end of this year's calendar. When I opened up today's gift, my first thought was just meh. Then I started to build it, and then I grabbed the clock piece, it was face down. When I turned it over, I was sold. I absolutely love this candy cane clock. The candy cane looks great, but ... Read more
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